(too old to reply)
Nick Murdoch
2005-09-07 22:03:39 UTC

It's like the American CAPITALIST TV SERIES.

Happy returns!
I need a sig.
2005-09-08 08:31:43 UTC
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSTEIN!!!! Wherever you are in the world! :oD :oD :oD

Du trer nå inn i de voksnes rekker....etc.

But I thought he was a couple of years older, like mesa. Guess not, huh?
Nick Murdoch
2005-09-08 11:49:59 UTC
Post by Kramer-dude
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOSTEIN!!!! Wherever you are in the world! :oD :oD :oD
Du trer nå inn i de voksnes rekker....etc.
But I thought he was a couple of years older, like mesa. Guess not, huh?
Woah, Jostein's younger than you? Mad! Your hair makes you younger,
Kramer :D
I need a sig.
2005-09-09 07:04:05 UTC
Hehe, yeah. I guess so. Marita thought I was like 18 or 19 when she
first saw me. Was a little shocked when I told her I was 10 years older
than her. I will be 26 in 12 days (yay!) But what the hell, it's part
of show-biz to stay as young as long yousa can. Just look at Jar Jar,
he's the only Star Wars character that never showed any signs of aging
Nick Murdoch
2005-09-09 11:58:54 UTC
Post by Kramer-dude
Hehe, yeah. I guess so. Marita thought I was like 18 or 19 when she
first saw me. Was a little shocked when I told her I was 10 years older
than her. I will be 26 in 12 days (yay!) But what the hell, it's part
of show-biz to stay as young as long yousa can. Just look at Jar Jar,
he's the only Star Wars character that never showed any signs of aging
Hehe, indeed! Age doesn't matter so much, anyway! It's what makes you
both happy that counts :D

I'd love to see Jar Jar when he was Boss Nass age, though! That would be
I need a sig.